I have no feelings

Vytlač príspevok
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My Lullaby:
Our frozen selves of comprehension
so sanguineous and misantropic
Preparing you for funeral of my holy sins
I live on edge of a knife it seems
Can love or hate me,but choose only one way
Sail away,or forever stay
Then drink from my blood
sign our compact of devasting compromise
Eat from my poison flesh.
I want see nakedness of your death.
Swallow down my pain heal my slash
dispose of habit of lies
You know that Im the One truth
under neverending sky
Your darkness became my home
see that emptyness in my steelblue eyes
kill me by your embrace
let me burn you in my fire
Im your pernicious desire
Its no way and time to turn back choose now
only you or only I...
both same will burn in coldblooded fire
Your Tempt:
Frozen land where all lies dead
covered white like coffin pad
place of pleasure and of pain,
I take razor, cut your vein...
When we were in church that day
a drop of blood became my prey
from your lips I drank a bit
now I´m begging for all of it.
As your sanguine there´s no such sweet
the more I drink, the more I need.
You are fire of my fire
deadly goddess, dark desire
look in my eyes, say what you see
please come closer, slowly kill me
then look again and take my hand
I will hold you to the last end.
Let me drawn you in my eyes
while I´m dying in your arms.
Here the snow is stained with red
becomes our dissection bed

Our dialogue | stály odkaz


  1. to you!!!
    preco appasionata???odkial to mas??? vymyslene???
    the vampire armand??? asi nie.....povedz!
    publikované: 28.05.2006 19:33:30 | autor: tomoko (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  2. back..!:)
    hejhej presne odtial to je upir Armand..:Dhehe dobra trefa:D Upir s tvarou Anjela sa ta kniha inač vola....a Appasionata je doosť dobra skladba...:)
    publikované: 29.05.2006 10:33:17 | autor: Autor (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  3. to you!!!
    hmmmm....a ten text...... to co si pisala??? to si pisala ty?? je to naozaj dobre... hm...armanda som nahodou citala po slovensky....aj ked ostatne mam po anglicky..najlepsia knizna seria na svete..lepsej nieto....otazka..nevies nejaku stranku odkial by som si appasionatu mohla stiahnut..neviem ziadnu najst...a uz to chcem konecne pocut...APPASIONATA
    publikované: 29.05.2006 13:07:58 | autor: tomoko (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  4. ..:)
    ak xceš apassionatu napiš mi na icq..pošlem ti ju..:)a ano pisala som to ja..ale potrebuje to niekoho kto je lepši angličtinar ako ja...je tam veeela chyb..:)a vdaka za komentare:)mam čo čitať konečne.hehe:)
    publikované: 29.05.2006 16:53:53 | autor: pre tomoko.. (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  5. to you!!!
    hmmmmm..neni zac pisem komentare k tomu co ma zaujima....a ty mas zaujimavy blog.....proste sa o taketo veci zaujimam...a the vampire chronicles su strasne dobre knihy preto sa pytam na appasionatu...hmmmmmm len tak dalje...a jasne ze na icq sa dohodneme... dikes...;oD
    publikované: 29.05.2006 21:48:42 | autor: tomoko (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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